MTO 18.08.21

3rd Mining Token Offering

Due to the first and secod MTO success and that many new people are willing to join the project, we are making our 3rd MTO this Wednesday 18th of August to give the possibility to all those who want to mine ETH to buy their Megahashes at cost and thus be able to increase our power of mining the same way we increase the amount of ETH distributed among the holders

Date and time: August 18th, 10PM UTC Place:

Amount to be raised: 75,000 BUSD

MTO Duration: 48Hs

TMT in MTO Price: $47.44 BUSD

The MTO will be hosted in the TMT platform and will use the overflow method. Users will be able to stake any amount, and their final allocation will be based on the amount of funds they put in as a percentage of all funds put in by other users at the time the sale ends. In case that more than 100% of the target is raised, users will receive back any leftover funds when they claim their tokens after the sale. If 100% of the funds are not raised in the presale, the remaining TMT tokens will be burnt and the investment in mining rigs will be less, proportional to the investment raised. Remember that 1 $TMT = 1 MH (Megahash) of mining power. IMPORTANT: you have 7 days to claim your TMT bought during the MTO

Last updated